Digital Space

Digital Space


                                                                   My digital map

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Generation Y or Millennials

I had to research which technology generation I am in. I have been told Generation Z, but I just found out that I am not. When I look up Generation Y is we are start of the change in internet, tech-savvy and starting with social media coming to light. 

An interesting thought is that Generation Y did not keep up it's name sake, the Millennials name have stayed strong. The reason behind this is because of the driven nature for change and negative publicity the name has caused.

What do I think? I would say I am tech savvy to a point. I can manage a laptop, various computer programs, fix phones and manage social media. When the name of a Millennial does come up I don't need to make a social change and I am not a lazy person. Instead I am a very busy person and hard working. Sometimes I do ask my husband for guidance when a certain pdf does not want to work. This is after trying for a long time to figure out what I did wrong. 

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Am I a Visitor or a Resident?
When I read this activity about a resident or a visitor I had no idea what this meant. Reading David White's " Visitors and Residents" had me think about the insightfulness David brings to light. The way I understand a visitor is to take on a task at hand and to keep social media at bay. A resident is going online, chatting with others and making those connections on various social media platforms. These are important tools and are ways to explore everyone's preference on technology. 

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Now I look at all this knowledge, information and perspective and I start to wonder, which one am I, a visitor or resident? Or Both? To help me figure this out more, here is my digital map.

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What I have learned from my digital map 

When looking at my map I see a lot of simple and professional angles. The map showcases what I enjoy on my free time and what I enjoy to browse online. The few social media accounts I look at and the joy of staying active. I love to play Tetris and the various obstacles I can overcome in the game. The education on the canvas page shows my dedication to the school work I am accomplishing. My work as a Pre-K teacher and accessing the ProCare app to connect with parents and my students. 

With all I have learned I can not say I am a visitor or a resident. I would have to say both. I manage my usage and time pretty well, I am busy with other activities through out the day. Social media I look at to keep up to date with people, but it's not a social call. I am the kind of person that enjoys a phone call and a text. What this activity has taught me is that I live a simple life with technology, I have learned to adapt and to understand where to go with what I have in front of me. 


  1. Liz, I have only heard the term millennial used and never Gen Y, which is so crazy! I will say, I often am mistakenly identified as a millennial, since I don't have a TikTok, know about new slang until I hear someone say it and then Google it, and I despite AI with a passion. However, I think regardless of your generation, everyone's relationship with technology can be different, and your clear distinction between your digital professional self and your personal self is admirable!

    1. Mary, I can see your point of view. Thank you for the beautiful comment.

  2. I also have never heard the term Gen Y used for Millennials and I guess that would make sense since it did not stick very well. I personally love the term millennial and have no adverse reaction to when the term is used. I applaud you having the simple life with technology and that you are both a visitor and a resident when it comes to that. Not many of our generation can say such a thing. Any insight you have on how you maintain this lifestyle would be helpful as I try to lessen my time with technology.

    1. Brittany,
      This was news to me too about Gen Y. To live a simple life with technology, personally I believe it is from my upbringing. There was not a lot around me and now it is, this is great, but at times I don't see the use for all of this technology.

  3. Wait, I've been Generation Y this entire time?! I will tell my students this the next time they troll me for wearing skinny jeans. I also have a game app (Jigsaw) that I use more than any other app. I wonder if a map of the younger generation (Gen Z, right?) would align with mine. Do they use more apps for the same purpose of have they limited their use to one?


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