
Exploring Technology Integration 

May 15th, 2024

Imagine the first day of school sitting at a table, look around, what is in front of you? Anything stand out? Any materials that you brought would help in the first class? Is there a chalk board? Pen and paper to write with? 

                                                    Image Source: Curiosity of Dreamtimes

                                                                SAMR Model 

I choose to explore on the SAMR Model. This model stands for Substitution, Augmentation, Modification and Redefinition. These four key points will help the teachers and the students understand each other better. The first tier is called the Substitution which is used as a direct link in technology, an example is having a student use Microsoft Word instead of writing with a pencil on their notebook. The Augmentation tier is a helpful tool to Substitution, an example would be looking online with an I-pad to find their resource. The modification tier gives an additional support for students, this way they can work together, communicate with a laptop or in person and this way the teacher can see their own progress. Finally in the redefinition is about connecting everything together, their own personal journey. A great example is for the teachers to think outside the box, to have their students show creativity. Some ways are to make their own documentary, podcasts and share to others what their journey could be. 

Image Source: Wikicommons


When I start to reflect on my own educational experiences in my current position, I do not have a lot of technology that is given to me. I have dry erase boards/pens, chalk board, pencil, paper,  and one I-pad. Honestly those items I have in my classroom have enhanced my children to thrive without the use of technology right in front of them. When the I-pad is not working, they do become sad because they miss what the I-pad can benefit for them. Instead we have learned to adapt and to make every element work in the classroom. My work does know that technology is all around us and the enhancement that technology can bring to every child there. 

I would fall under the substitution and the redefinition tiers. Those two tiers start with what little technology I have in the classroom and the redefinition helps with what the children can showcase to us as teachers. The children in my classroom learn their letters, write sentences, create crafts and finally start to read. When we have a fun day, my go to is abcmouse and These programs have helpful educational pathways, math and finally fun games. For the redefinition it is about what they love to create with their hands. We are currently learning about Eric Carle Books and they have made a hungry caterpillar out of pom poms, glue, construction paper and pipe cleaners. If there was a smart board in the classroom, this would contribute to their imagination.

I do know technology is growing and changing. We as teachers are growing with them and seeing the benefit. I can only hope my classroom will have more technology to enhance their learning. A little part of me enjoys them with the simple items at hand, but I do know that technology is only growing. We have to adapt and to learn to incorporate them altogether. 


(2020, May 4). SAMR: A Powerful Model for Understanding Good Tech Integration. Edutopia. Retrieved May 12, 2024, from


  1. It makes sense that you would be at the substitution level of SAMR with preschool students. The redefinition phase speaks to how *technology* is used to redefine something a student couldn't do with out it. For example, if you had a virtual visit with another classroom who was also reading Eric Carle and shared your hungry caterpillar creations, that would be redefinition.

    1. Hi Nicole,
      Thank you so much. I love this model and what I have learned from it's perspective. I will try to bring in the other tiers to showcase them in my classroom. Thank you for the clarification on the redefine part.

  2. I identify with using the simple items. I also identify with having to adapt and incorporate technology into the lives of students. There is such a fine balance between the lo tech and the high tech. It's definitely something for us to work on.

    1. Hi Kelly, using simple items help and adapting is fun. There is a balance act between lo and high tech and hopefully there will be a happy medium.

  3. Hi Liz-I looked at this same model, but from the perspective of a public librarian. It took me a while to figure out how it pertained to a public library, but once I got substitution figured out the rest came to me pretty easily. In the end I think that most careers use this model in some way. PS-I love ABCmouse. My kids used it all the time when they were young, so now might be a great time to introduce my grandson to it.

    1. Hi Karan! Thank you so much. Yes an even flow can start the process. Your grandson is going to love this program. So much to do and to learn.


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