

May 8th 2024

Hello Everyone! 

My name is Liz Sarti and I am excited for this summer class. I am currently pursing a dual masters degree in library science and youth literature. I have added in education to my degree because I love working with children and I have been in the education field for 15 years.

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A back story is that when I was in middle school, a librarian needed help with books, story time and shelving books. I was lucky enough to have some free time and I was able to help this librarian out. While helping her out, I shelved books, helped in checking out books and finally participated in a story time. I was only able to help the librarian out for one semester because I did not have anymore free time. I was approached by the principal to help the librarian out in the evenings. I jumped at this chance because I wanted to help and I truly enjoyed this position. This stuck with me because I wanted to pursue further, but I chose education at first. This experience has taught me to stay with my dreams and to stay committed to what I want to do. 

Now my current role is a  Pre-K teacher working in River Forest. The children I am working with are five year old's. I have been in this field for the past fifteen years and I love my role. Even though being around these age groups, warms my heart, working in a library has called my name. 

In my personal life, I have been married to my husband for nine years this month. We have been together for fifteen years. We will be bringing in a new member to our household. We will be having a black lab puppy, Luna Lou. She is cute as a button and we are excited. 


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 Besides the puppy that warms my heart, so is my mood. Summer is almost here and I currently feel pretty good. This gif stood out to me because of warm feeling and the cartoon like it comes off. Since my children at work are into cartoons and Pokémon, I felt this was a good fit to describe how I am feeling. 

                                                           Image Source: Happy via Giphy

When it comes to technology, I would say I have a good amount of knowledge of technology. I use technology for daily activities at home, for work with my kids and while performing school work. When it comes to work we only have an iPad. The basic items I can use is for music, google to look up a book (only if we don't have an actual book) and to take pics. I have always loved technology and I love to learn more about it. 
My hobbies are drawing, playing sports and spending time with my loved ones. A fun fact I have been drawing since I was three years old and I love to create anything. I am a big basketball and baseball fan. 


  1. Congrats on your new puppy Liz! I loved your backstory about how you initially became interested in libraries. Isn't it crazy how an everyday moment can come to shape the trajectory of your life?! I'm looking forward to exploring technology with you this summer.

  2. Hello Liz,

    It's great to meet someone with such an impressive background in education and a passion for youth literature and library science. Your story about helping out in the library during middle school really resonates with me. It's amazing how early experiences can shape our paths and passions. Your role as a Pre-K teacher seems like a very rewarding job, and it's clear that you bring a lot of joy and dedication to your work.

    Your puppy is adorable by the way.

    Your enthusiasm for technology, particularly in its application in education, is inspiring. It sounds like you've found some creative ways to integrate technology into your classroom, even with limited resources like a single iPad. Your hobbies, such as drawing and sports, add such a vibrant dimension to your already busy life.

  3. Liz,
    Your story of how you became interested in librarianship is so nice. It is awesome that you were introduced to this field at such young age and formed a connection. It must have been a really meaningful opportunity for you. This is similar to how I ended up in the education field. A teacher let me help out in a class with younger kids, and I also helped at my mom’s daycare during the summer. I knew then that I really wanted to work in the field of education.

    I am excited to hear how you use technology with younger students. Since I mainly work with upper primary students, I am interested in learning which types of technologies are most beneficial for young children.


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