Digital Tattoo

 Digital Tattoo


                                                            Data Mine

When learning about this new word, data mining, I had to first search about this. According to the, "data mining, in computer science, the process of discovering interesting and useful patterns and relationships in large volumes of data. The field combines tools from statistics and artificial intelligence (such as neural networks and machine learning) with database management to analyze large digital collections, known as data sets." What this quote tells me is that it's used for data collection to find a certain person or an area to look up. I decided to take a look at what my data mining would look at. I used several sites and this is what I found. 

 These are the websites:


I started with Microsoft Edge and these are my results: 

"Elizabeth Sarti"- These results showed my social media accounts in Facebook and LinkedIn. A women with my same name from New York from, A LinkedIn profile from New York that is a Vice President from J.P. Morgan and Chase and finally there is a white pages profiles that came up with my correct address, but then it went to show a relative I am related to and then with my same name from CA and OH.

"Elizabeth A Sarti"- There was not any results, but one interesting one on I found this interesting because all it had is my first name, not my last name.

"Elizabeth Anne Sarti"- There was not any results, but a lot of images. These are women will my name, but do not look like me at all.

Image Source: Microsoft Edge,, personal photo
I rarely use Microsoft Edge as a search tool and I found it interesting that most of the information was similar when I searched my name. Until it showed a pictures of my name, but they are not me. 


The next one I searched Chrome. I do use this search engine a lot and I wanted to discover if it would be different than Microsoft Edge. 

"Elizabeth Sarti"- I did find my social media accounts, but one was not me. In the images that showed up was a much younger version of myself. I found this interesting because of the amount of information that was found, but not all accurate. 

Image Source: Google Chrome, personal photo

Image Source: Google Chrome, personal photo

"Elizabeth A Sarti"- This one is interesting. No results at all. Just going based off of Elizabeth Sarti 

"Elizabeth Anne Sarti"- Another no results at all with my full name on google chrome.

These results compared to Edge were pretty similar. Elizabeth Sarti was the top search. My full name and my middle initial not so much. A lot more of a variety on edge though. I am wondering now which site is really using my information and which one isn't. Huh? 

The next sites are ones I found interesting. 

Peek You:

Image Source:, personal photo

This Peek You brought up some interesting facts. The first name is accurate, but the other names and places where I have lived, those are not correct. This one made me think about where are they gettting their information from. 

People finders

Image Source:, personal photo

Image Source:, personal photo
This website was so accurate, a little scary. I do know my information is out there, but this website was so accurate. They know everything about my family, where I have lived and the list goes on. This is good to know, but sometimes I do not want to know this much information. 


Image Source:, personal photo

I wanted to search with this website because I wanted to find out with my family tree. If there was someone else out there, that I should know about. This was interesting because this had my living record and then a lady that had passed away. I learned something new that my name and someone else's would be so close with each other.

Image Source:, personal photo

When I searched with I found the same results as the Microsoft edge and google chrome. What I found interesting is this website is linking me to a relative. The relative I know, but this is a little scary because we are almost together in each search engine. Hopefully they are not being mistaken identity. 

Truepeople Search:

Image Source:, personal photo

Image Source:, personal photo

This one came up with the same people and other Elizabeth's in CA and OH. I found this interesting that at the end of my search, this site did not have any new information for me. 


After looking all of this information and the websites, I am not surprised. What I do find alarming is that so much information can be recognized as soon as it goes on the web. I do know that everything is public records. I did not know that so much would be referred to by a family member. I did not know about the different name sakes from other states. I was able to learn a lot about my digital foot print and to know what to look out for. 



  1. Elizabeth, I like how you emphasized the strangeness of finding other people with your same name, but with vastly different lifestyles, ages, and identities! I also found this to be true when I completed my own data mine, and I think it makes the information that IS readily available about yourself more unique! I wonder, did you feel as though any of these sites had information that felt invasive or made you uncomfortable? Just a question :)

    1. Hi Mary, thank you for your response. Yes a lot of people with a lot of different identities and lifestyles, it is interesting what we find. The one I felt that was so accurate was people finders. This is a great website, but I found this to be an invasive. Thank you for asking this question. :)

  2. I've been married for ten years and the top result is still an obituary from 2005! You would think that my name would be prioritized! I used the Family Tree website too and was intrigued by the results. They showed my husband's family too, and I learned their birthdays for the first time.

    1. Hi Marissa,
      The Family Tree website was interesting and wow learning about your husband's family birthdays and for the first time.


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